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Solo exhibition of Artūrs Bērziņš "CHIMERAS"

Solo exhibition of Artūrs Bērziņš


20. 09. – 07.11.

The theme of the exhibition is dehumanization as the collapse of moral qualities, humanism in society, with the advent of the post-democratic era. "Chimeras" is about the creation of the so-called "new people", as has already happened in previous large social projects. For example, how a "Soviet person" was brought up with a certain value system and perception of the world.

But were the social experiments so bizarre as we are we are witnessing them now? Today's propaganda technologies in various parts of the world show fantastic results in turning people into something so grotesque. In an exaggerated-literal way, this is represented through anthropomorphic creatures that are grown or transformed in flasks and other devices under the supervision of engineers and members of an elite society. The "new people" in which admixtures of the anatomy of other creatures are visible - triton, sphinx, centaurid.

Just as in ancient mythology, Chimera was a creature that combined a lion, a goat and a snake, in biology, this word refers to organisms that consist of genetically different cells. In zoology, chimeras are organisms whose cells come from two or more zygotes. In addition to this, there is also the image of the birth of the "god from the machine". The artist likes the connotation with the more common meaning of this word - in everyday life, a chimera is called something unreasonable - a utopian, unrealizable idea, a fiction.

The exhibition will consist of assemblages, light boxes, installations and video projections.

The artist was born on April 20, 1983 in Riga. Received a master's degree at the Department of Visual Communication at LMA. Has held numerous solo exhibitions, including the exhibition "Barotava" (2017) at the Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils. This is already the third solo exhibition of A. Bērziņš at the art gallery MuseumLV (2018), (2021) and (2024). Artūrs Bērziņš has participated in more than 50 group exhibitions and projects in Latvia and abroad. At the same time, the artist also works in the performance genre, between 2017 and 2021, 5 performances by the artist took place in this art gallery. In addition, Artūrs Bērziņš has created scenography for several Dž.Dž. Džillindžer directed performances in the Great Hall of the Daile Theater (2018-2019), as well as numerous videos, animations and short films, including videos for world music stars such as "Seven Lions" and "Cradle Of Filth". In 2010, the influential American Internet portal Weirdworm.com ranked Artūrs Bērziņš in the sixth place in the Top-10 of the most peculiar artists in the world. The artist's works are also used as prints on clothing, attracting the attention of representatives of the world's music and alternative fashion industries; in 2020, pop music diva Billie Eilish came to the London "NME Awards" ceremony with a print of Artūrs Bērziņš's artwork on her shirt. In 2017, Zvaigzne ABC published the artist's debut novel " Spinners of the universe", which is the first example of the weird fiction genre in contemporary Latvian literature, and Zvaigzne ABC has also published "Dialectics of the character" and " Mirror side. One crazy fairy tale ".

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Solo exhibition of Laura Tuča NAIVE

Solo exhibition of Laura Tuča
Culture center Grata JJ and gallery MuseumLV
20. 09. – 12.10.

The naive exhibition symbolizes the part of the world where the artist still seeks shelter and through humor tries to reflect on the issues of the modern world, including tolerance, therapy, long-term thinking and societal standards. Here, characters from TV, literature, cartoons etc., are mixed with humorous plots to explain the author's value system. “Everything that has shaped me as a being is here.” Each generation has its own experiences and memories that originally shaped it - something known and close to the heart.
"My peers often laugh when I tell how excited I am about something, for example, a cartoon, but it's no wonder - there are elements in them that keep my attention and are important to me. There are beautiful visuals, acting, story line, different values, nostalgia, etc., people have spent long working hours to create them. Through these beautiful works I draw inspiration and also find the strength to live a simple life in this sometimes not so simple world. Through stories, we get to know the world and form our value system. Visual art, like any art, is open to interpretation, but it always has an idea and a story behind it. Even if an artist chooses not to talk about his artwork, it will at some point be interpreted by others. Art is the way we communicate, share ideas and dare to think. Culture is a powerful tool in building a country." In the paintings of Laura Tuča, not only the visual, but also the narrative line of the painting plays a big role. Each work is like a separate movie.
L. Tučas' song "Who am I?", which was created as a performance at the gallery MuseumLV in March of this year, will be also played at the exhibition.

Laura Tuča (1996) is a multidisciplinary artist. She has organized several solo exhibitions in Riga, including such place as Spīķeri, and tries to create them in an uncommon format. Since 2020, L. Tuča has created 5 concert - exhibitions, combining the synergy of visual art and music, including a series of portraits of Latvian musicians. She had participated in CONTEMPORARY VENICE – ART FAIR (2021), in Italy, organized by ITSLIQUID Group and curated several exhibitions in the gallery MuseumLV. Additionally she lead the recent collective exhibition of young artists "CONTACTS" on the Tallinas ielas kvartāls.

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Gallery closed 2.07. until 17:00

The gallery is not available to visitors today (02.07.) from 13:30 - 17:00

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Mary Zhang solo exhibition 游龙 Dragon Boat

Mary Zhang solo exhibition

游龙 Dragon Boat

Culture centre Grata JJ and gallery MuseumLV 7.06. – 31.07. 2024.

In Mary Zhang's solo exhibition "Dragon Boat" you will see the works created by the artist during her 10 years of living in Riga. The opening of the exhibition is linked to the Dragon Boat Festival in the artist's hometown in China.

Mary Zhang, painter and architect, is an artist who captures moments, so she has chosen the technique that is the fastest. "With the habits of an architect and years of working under high pressure and at a rapid pace, it is natural that the adjective "rapid" would appear in my artistic themes. I hope my works resonate with this rapidly changing society. I want to express a faithful understanding of modern society and a love for art,” artist says. The black and white lines are derived from the oriental ink gene in her blood. After completing each work, she adds ancient Chinese poems and inscriptions based on the image, combining Chinese and Western styles.

Mary Zhang is a very active artist who has collaborated with Mikhail Chekov's Riga Russian Theater and other artists over the years, and this is her second exhibition at the gallery MuseumLV. Her second book is coming out soon that includes discussion with curator of the exhibition.

During the exhibition, two projects will take place at the gallery:

On June 7, a lecture on Chinese poetry will be co-hosted by the Dean of the Confucius Institute, He Dong, and the renowned Latvian sinologist Pēteris Pildegovičs;
On July 9, Mary will hold lecture on the history and techniques of Chinese ink rubbing art and Turkish Ebru painting together with Irina Trumpele, a senior artist and teacher from the Latvian Artists Union(LMS).

Everyone is warmly invited to sign up and attend these lectures, where the speakers will bring many surprises and inspiration.

Curator of the exhibition: Laura Tuča



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Lecture: Poems of the Dinasties of Tang and Song

Cien., galerijas MuseumLV apmeklētāji
7. jūnijā 15:00 aicinām uz lekciju par ķīniešu dzeju, ko vadīs Konfūcija institūta dekāns He Dongs un ievērojamais latviešu sinologs Pēteris Pildegovičs.
Lecture: Poems of the Dinasties of Tang and Song
He Dong: Izglītības zinātņu doktors, Dienvidķīnas universitātes profesors, Latvijas Universitātes Konfūcija institūta ķīniešu direktors
Pēteris Pildegovičs : Latvijas Universitātes profesors, LU Konfūcija institūta vadītājs.
Lūgums pieteikt savu dalību, sūtot vārdu, uzvārdu uz info@museumlv.com
Biļetes var iegādāties galerijā MuseumLV līdz 6. jūnijam un pasākuma dienā, iepriekš biļeti rezervējot.
Lekcijas valoda: ķīniešu, latviešu
Sarunvalodas: ķīniešu, angļu, latviešu, krievu
Kad: 7.06.
Cikos: 15:00
Ilgums: 2h
Kur: Andreja Pumpura iela 2, mākslas galerija MuseumLV
Dalības maksa: 15 eur
Dear visitors of MuseumLV gallery
On June 7, at 15:00, we invite you to a lecture on Chinese poetry, which will be co-hosted by professor Pēteris Pildegovićs, a prominent Latvian sinologist and Doctor Dong He.
Lecture: Poems of the Dynasties of Tang and Song
Pēteris Pildegovičs: Latvian Director of Confucius Institute ( University of Latvia)
Dong He:Chinese Director of Confucius Institute (University of Latvia).
Ed.D, Associate Professor of the South China Normal University.
Please register your participation by sending your name and surname to info@museumlv.com
Tickets can be purchased at the gallery MuseumLV until June 6
Lecture languages: Chinese, Latvian
Communication languages: Chinese, English, Latvian, Russian
When: 7.06. 15:00
Duration: 2h
Where: Andreja Pumpura iela 2, art gallery MuseumLV
Participation fee: 15 eur

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Solo exhibition of Rita Ulyanova “Where stories come together…” 31. 05. – 31.07.

Solo exhibition of Rita Ulyanova

“Where stories come together…”

31. 05. – 31.07.

Spring slowly turns into summer, when the sun is stronger and nature reaches its perfection. This is a period of time that represents the changes in nature and the beginning of the new life. It is at this beautiful time that artist Rita Uljanova presents her personal exhibition “Where stories come together…”

The exhibition is like an exciting journey that reflects the artistic path and development. Each painting hides a special story, revealing different types of  characters. Most of the works are dominated by lyrically harmonious moods. Through illustrative images, the artist wants to remind viewers of the love that is right next to us and the world full of miracles around us, which we often don't notice in the rush of everyday life.

“I often start from ordinary everyday stories, what I heard, what I saw, but I just talk about it a little allegorically, using mythological or fairy-tale images. The world is so diverse. I also want to show that," says artist Rita Uljanova

Rita Uļjanova graduated from the Janis Rozentals Riga Art High School and further studied at the Latvian Art Academy, Department of Painting. 2001 – Received a master's degree in painting. Since 1997, she has been participating in exhibitions and competitions. Several awards have been won, including in 2022, Rita Uljanova won 1st place in the "Illusory Reality" competition organized by the gallery MuseumLV and culture centre Grata JJ. Her works are in private collections in Latvia, USA, Israel, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, etc.

We invite you to look into the world through the eyes of an artist and discover new, exciting stories painted on canvas!





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Artūra Smoļjaņinova koncerts "Vārdi un mūzika"

Artūrs Smoļjaņinovs atgriežas no tūres Amerikā un aicina rīdziniekus uz koncertu ar godīgām vēlēšanām

21.maijā 18:30 kultūras centra Grata JJ galerijā MuseumLV interaktīvajā koncertā “Vārdi un mūzika” klausītājus pulcēs aktieris un mūziķis Artūrs Smoļjaņinovs. Skatītājiem būs iespēja nobalsot par sev tīkamākajām jaunajām dziesmām, kuras mākslinieks pirmo reizi izpildīja savas nesenās Amerikas turnejas laikā. Mīļākās kompozīcijas tiks iekļautas viņa jaunajā albumā. Smoļjaņinovs sola godīgas vēlēšanas – bez politikas un papildinājumiem, ar mīlestību un mieru.

Līdz 18. maijam ir iespēja iegādāties biļeti par izdevīgu cenu 25 eiro, dažas dienas pirms pasākuma biļetes cena 30 eiro.

Pirms diviem gadiem Artūrs pameta Krieviju un kļuva par pasaules cilvēku. Latvijā viņš atrada jaunas mājas, satika mīlestību un sāka savu radošo dzīvi gandrīz no nulles. Gada laikā mākslinieks no vietējiem mūziķiem izveidoja grupu cheLovek. Kopā viņi izdeva savu pirmo minialbumu "四" ("Četri"). Vienai no dziesmām “Elsinora” (“Palīdzi cilvēkam”) Latvijā uzņemts emocionāls video - talantīga un brīva cilvēka dvēseles sauciens.

Visu dziesmu mūzikas un vārdu autors ir pats Artūrs. Sacerēt dziesmas viņš sāka savā iepriekšējā krievu dzīvē. Savu žanru viņš sauc par “kino-roku”, un viņš pats darbojas kā režisors un scenārija autors katrai kompozīcijai, kurai parasti ir kāds varonis un ļoti kinematogrāfisks sižets.

“Gadu gaitā esmu uzkrājis daudz materiālu - muzikālu un poētisku... Es rakstu gandrīz katru dienu,” saka Smoļjaņinovs. – Lielāko daļu dziesmu vēl nav dzirdējis gandrīz neviens, pat mani mūziķi ne... Pēc savas pieredzes esmu pārliecināts, ka dziesma patiesi dzimst brīdī, kad tai ir pirmais skatītājs un klausītājs. Tas ir tā, it kā viņš viņu apaugļo, garīgo, piepilda ar īstu dzīvi... Vai arī nē - ir “aizdedzes kļūdas”. Nekad iepriekš nevar zināt, vai notiks dzimšanas brīnums. Tas [process] vienmēr sastāv no mēģinājumiem un kļūdām."

Smoļaņinovs sniedza savus pirmos nepublicēto dziesmu paraugus nesenās Amerikas turnejas laikā, tostarp protesta akcijas laikā pie Krievijas vēstniecības Vašingtonā - "Par godīgām vēlēšanām". Izrādes dažādās pilsētās piesaistīja pilnas zāles un vissiltākās publikas atsauksmes.

"Es redzēju ļoti laipnu, ļoti atvērtu cilvēku, ļoti īstu cilvēku," savā Instagram ierakstīja kāda skatītāja no Denveras. – Viņā vispār nebija dusmu vai pārspīlētas sarežģītības, absolūti nekā negatīva... Vai nu drosmīgs, vai fatālists. Un neatlaidīgs – neskatoties uz milzīgo nogurumu, viņš uzvedās ļoti drosmīgi. Publika viņu iemīlēja, cilvēki viņu praktiski nelaida lidmašīnā... Bija daudz mīlestības un gudras, dziļas dzīves tēmas.”

Vasarā Artūram būs jaunas turnejas Melnkalnē un ASV – grafiks ir ļoti saspringts. Latvija ir īpaša vieta jaunajā mākslinieka dzīves kartē. Tai tiek pievērsta īpaša uzmanība.

Mīlestības un miera zīmē, kas mūsdienās cilvēkiem tik ļoti nepieciešama, notiks Artura Smoļjaņinova jauns instrumentālais koncerts ar grupas cheLovek pianistu Ēvaldu Lazareviču kultūras centra Grata JJ galerijā MuseumLV. Galerijas vadītāja Jūlija Eresko personīgi izvēlējās fotogrāfiju koncerta reklāmas plakātam, uzskatot to par mākslas aktu.

Pirms pasākuma sākuma katrs skatītājs saņems sarakstu ar dziesmu nosaukumiem un zīmuli. Viņš varēs atzīmēt visu, kas viņam patika vai nepatika. "Mēs organizēsim nelielas, bet ļoti godīgas un brīvas "vēlēšanas": "uzvarētāji" dosies tieši studijas darbā." – iesaka mākslinieks.

Protams, tiks izpildītas arī publikas jau iemīļotas dziesmas no iepriekšējā albuma... Pasākuma otrajā daļā mākslinieks atbildēs uz skatītāju jautājumiem. Nav šaubu, ka atmosfēra būs vissiltākā. Izdari savu godīgo izvēli.

Biļetes: https://www.bilesuserviss.lv/rus/bileti/gimenei/arturs-smoljaninova-koncerts-vardi-un-muzika-431144/

Teātra un kino aktieris, režisors un mūziķis Artūrs Smoļjaņinovs ir pazīstams masveida auditorijai galvenokārt ar savu lomu kā ierindnieks Ļjutijs vienā no ienesīgākajām postpadomju filmām par karu "9. rota". Viņa sarakstā ir vairāk nekā simts filmas, balvas no daudziem festivāliem. 10 darba gadi darba Maskavas “Sovremennik” teātrī un labdarības fonda Gift of Life patronāža. Pēc 24. februāra Smoļaņinovs nepārprotami iestājās pret karu un pameta valsti. Viņš ieskaņoja satīriskā projekta “Pilsonis dzejnieks” jauno sezonu, filmējās latviešu režisora​​Dzintara Dreiberga grāvējā “TTT”, kā arī vadīja publiskā dialoga projekta “Filosofija uz ūdens” jauno sezonu.

Mūziķis Evalds Lazarevičs ir pianists, komponists un improvizators, kurš uzstājies visā pasaulē no Baltijas līdz ASV un Kenijai, sadarbojas ar teātri, cirku un daudziem citiem starpdisciplināriem projektiem. Ēvalda bērnības elks bija Jurijs Ševčuks un DDT.

Projekta producente ir Jekaterina Lanskaja (KATUFILM) - starptautisku festivālu, televīzijas projektu, video darbu režisore un producente, Londonas L.I.M.P.A Film Award, Parīzes Starptautiskā īsfilmu festivāla un Ņujorkas Starptautiskā sieviešu festivāla galvenās balvas ieguvēja. Dokumentālās filmas Māja /Home/Дом par leģendāro kņazu Goļicinu dzimtu producente, asociētais producents filmai “Mātes piens” pēc Noras Ikstenes romāna motīviem. Projektu “Filozofija uz ūdens” un “Katrīnas sapņi” ideju autore un producente.

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Lekcija "Anselms Kīfers"

Šajā pavasarī un līdz pat vasaras vidum Florences Palazzo Strozzi ir apskatāma izcilā mūsdienu mākslinieka Anselma Kīfera izstāde “Kritušie eņģeļi”. Iedvesmojoties no šīm ziņām, aicinām jūs uzzināt vairāk par dzīvo ģēniju, apmeklējot lekciju, ko pēc mūsu lūguma sagatavojusi mākslas kritiķe un lektore Darja Samarina.

Anselms Kīfers ir humānists, pētnieks, filozofs, viens no talantīgākajiem un veiksmīgākajiem mūsdienu māksliniekiem. Viņa darbi atrodas Luvras pastāvīgajā kolekcijā, Gugenheima Modernās mākslas muzejā Ņujorkā un Bilbao. Viņa vērienīgā izstāde, kas ir satriecoša savā izmērā, tehnikā un izpildījuma sirsnībā, tiek rīkota lielajā Palazzo Ducale (Dožas pils) zālē Venēcijas galvenajā laukumā, slavenās Venēcijas biennāles 2022 ietvaros. Tajā pašā laikā pats Anselms Kīfers sevi uzskata par dzīves pētnieku, nevis mākslinieku klasiskajā izpratnē.

Anselms Kīfers pārsteidz ar savu mīlestību pret cilvēci, ar savu radošumu pārliecinoši pierāda, ka modernā māksla ir līdzvērtīga klasikai apbrīnas vērta un palīdz dziļi iedziļināties apziņā, aizdomāties par svarīgām lietām un pārdomāt mūžīgo.

Šim apbrīnojamajam ģēnijam veltītajā tikšanās reizē runāsim par viņa sarežģīto dzīvi un darbu, par slaveno totālo instalāciju Venēcijas biennāles 2022 ietvaros, kā arī par izstādi “Kritušie eņģeļi”, kas šajās dienās notiek Florencē, Strozzi pilī.

Kur: MuseumLV galerija

Kad: 23. maijs, ceturtdiena

Laiks: 18:30

Izmaksas: 15,- eiro

Lekcijas valoda - krievu

Saziņas valoda: krievu, latviešu, angļu

Biļetes var iegādāties caur saiti https://www.bilesuserviss.lv/rus/bileti/gimenei/lekcija-anselms-kifers-430799/

vai galerijā līdz 21. maijam


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Working hours on holidays

Opening hours of the gallery on public holidays 1.05. / The gallery is closed 2.05 - 3.05./ 11:00 - 19:00 4.05./ 11:00 - 17:00 5.05. - 6.06./ The gallery is closed

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