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Jeļenas Morozovas meistarklase glezniecībā 30.11

Cien. galerijas MuseumLV un kultūras centra Grata JJ draugi un kolēģi!

Izstādes “Dzīvie iespaidi: divas sievietes, divas realitātes” un Riga Last Week ietvaros aicinām uz Jeļenas Morozovas ekskursiju un meistarklasi glezniecībā (eļļas krāsu tehnikā) 30.novembrī plkst 17:30 galerijā MuseumLV (Andreja Pumpura iela 2).

Pasākums sastāv no divām daļām:

1)    Ekskursija (17:30-18:00) – bezmaksas

2)    Meistarklase (18:00 – 21:00) – 25 eur (visi materiāli tiek nodrošināti un iekļauti cenā)

Vietu skaits ir ierobežots,  tāpēc lūgums iepriekš pieteikt savu dalību. Paralēli varēsiet aplūkot izstādi 2 stāvos. Iepriekšējā pieredze gleznošanā nav nepieciešama. Pasākums notiek latviešu un krievu valodā.

Ar cieņu,


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18. novembrī galerija slēgta. Priecīgus un mierpilnus valsts svētkus!

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Exhibition of Jelena Morozova and Vera Bondare. “Living Impressions: Two Women, Two Realities”

Exhibition of Jelena Morozova and Vera Bondare. “Living Impressions: Two Women, Two Realities”

17.11.2023. – 13.01.2024.

The exhibition "Living Impressions: Two Women, Two Realities " is a journey through the artistic works of two painters, Vera Bondare and Elena Morozova. The creations of these two artists immerse viewers in a world where light and shadow, reality and expression, the tangible and the abstract create mutual harmony. 

Vera Bondare is an artist characterized by meticulous precision and mastery of realism. Her paintings serve as windows to a world where everyday moments gain deep meaning and beauty. Through the play of light and shadow, Vera transforms ordinary scenes into true artworks, encouraging us to reconsider the beauty and significance of the everyday.

Elena Morozova offers to express emotions and abstract concepts using expressive compositions and a wealth of color. Her works are dynamic and radiate vitality, drawing us in with their energy and play of color. Elena explores the diversity of the world through bright colors and dynamic compositions, taking us beyond the boundaries of physical reality.

The exhibition "Living Impressions: Two Women, Two Realities" is a journey through the complex and multifaceted artistic expression that provides visitors with the opportunity to experience the richness of the natural world. Each painting is a story of various interpretations of reality that merge in harmony in this exhibition.






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Radošā darbnīca “UZZĪMĒ SEVI”.

Radošā darbnīca “UZZĪMĒ SEVI”.
24. oktobrī 
galerijā MuseumLV - Andreja Pumpura iela 2

Mākslas galerija MuseumLV un kultūras centrs Grata JJ sadarbībā ar mākslas studiju “IZO ART”  24.oktobrī 18:00  aicina Jūs piedalīties radošā darbnīcā “Uzzīmē sevi”. Izstādes “Cita pasaule” mākslinieces un “IZO ART” mākslas studijas skolotājas Annas Afanasjevas vadībā. Jūs uz krāsaina papīra ar zīmuli uzzīmēsiet savu portretu. Esat drosmīgi, piesakieties meistarklasei, ja pat Jums nav iepriekšējas pieredzes zīmēšanā!

Reģistrācija  ir obligāta.
Vietu skaits ierobežots.
Materiāli tiks izsniegti. 
Līdzi jābūt uzlādētam telefonam. 

Pieteikties dalībai meistarklasēs var, rakstot uz info@museumlv.com vai zvanot pa tālr. 254 09 000

Paralēli varēsiet apskatīt izstādi galerijas 2 stāvos!

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Group exhibition. “Another World”

Group exhibition. “Another World”
15.09. – 28.10. 2023.

From September 15, MuseumLV Gallery displays a group show of four painters, “Another World.” The artistic approach of the exhibition participants - Anna Afanasjeva (1981), Magone Boleiko (1985), Mārīte Guščika (1980) and Ronalds Rusmanis (1981) is radically different, which explains the theme and title of the exhibition chosen - about the diversity of the modern world as an undisputed dominance in the global context. The topic is one of the highlights of the world's social processes, where the quirky is a legitimate model of global existence.
Artists represent a generation of 40 - year-olds (educated at the Latvian Academy of Art) who have asserted themselves and gained recognition in the professional art field. They participated in many group shows and held personal exhibitions. The authors have crystallized techniques of artistic expression and developed a range of themes through which artists talk about what matters to themselves.
The exhibition's concept is shaped by the simultaneous diversity of the world and its coexistence. This tempo inevitably provokes the question of the coexistence of an individual's personal and public space - how do they connect with each other and does an individual feel happy in this inevitable common space? People-to-people relationships and the quest for their identity are inseparable from the evolving patterns of the global structure of the world, which are constantly changing and modifying. That's why personality individuality is the most important factor in this such a shifting pattern of the world, as reported by the co-exhibition of four artists - Anna Afanasjeva, Magone Boleiko, Mārīte Guščika and Ronalds Rusmanis, “Another World,” with so many different techniques of artistic expression.
The stylistics of the artworks have a great range - from individual versions of modernity, variations of photorealism to lyrical abstraction. The works exhibited can trace the artists' current artistic interests and range of themes rooted in professional experience and subjective living space within themselves.
The show includes the authors' latest works, many of which have been exhibited for the first time.
Curator of the exhibition – art scientist, Diāna Barčevska.



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LMA profesora D. Hanova lekcija " Mūžīgi jauna: nācijas tēli un simboli Eiropas kultūrtelpā 19.gs. Skats nākotnē?"

10. jūlijā

Draugi, sakarā ar XXVII Vislatvijas Dziesmu svētkiem un XVII Deju svētkiem aicinām uz tikšanos, kas notiks 10.jūlijā plkst.18:00 kultūras centra GRATA JJ galerijā MuseumLV.

Mūžīgi jauna: nācijas tēli un simboli Eiropas kultūrtelpā 19.gs. Skats nākotnē?

Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas profesora Denisa Hanova lekcija piedāvās nācijas jēdzienu, tās vēstures analīzi un plašu iztirzājumu par tēmu - kāda ir nācijas nākotne globālā pasaulē?
Paralēli dosimies ceļojumā Latvijas 19.gadsimta vēsturē, pirmo Dziesmu svētku (1873.g) tapšanas laikā Rīgā, iepazīsimies ar nacionālās kustības līderu likteņiem un uzzināsim, kā 19.gs krievu intelektuāļi, rīdzinieki vēroja gatavošanos svētkiem un kādas bija viņu domas par latviešu nacionālo kustību.

Vai mēs uz mirkli varam iedomāties, ka pasaulē nav nāciju, ka pats jēdziens ir beidzis pastāvēt? Šķiet, nācija ir bijusi un būs mūžīgi. Tomēr pirms nedaudz mazāk, nekā 250 gadiem "nācija" bija kaut kas jauns, pat revolucionārs. Nācija un tās piekritēji tika vajāti 19. gadsimtā, un mūsdienu pasaule diez vai var izsekot, cik ātri un atšķirīgi attīstās nācijas - kas tām pieder un kā tas maina pašu koncepciju. Jautājumu ir daudz, taču tikpat dažādas ir atbildes, versijas un iespējas mūsdienu nācijas pastāvēšanai. "Nācija" ir salīdzinoši jauns jēdziens, taču daudziem tās autoriem nav šaubu par nācijas “mūžību”. Kā ir iespējama šāda novitātes un senatnes vienotība?

Lekcija paredzēta plašam klausītāju lokam bez priekšzināšanām un notiks latviešu valodā.

Ieeja lekcijā bez maksas, nepieciešama iepriekšēja pieteikšanās līdz 9. jūlijam, zvanot uz galeriju vai rakstot e-pastā.

Foto: Arta Ozola- Jaunarāja "Kāzas Nīcā" (1996)

28. jūnijā

Друзья, в преддверии XXVII Вселатвийского Праздника песни и XVII Праздника танца приглашаем вас на встречу, которая состоится 28 июня в 19:30 в галерее MuseumLV культурного центра GRATA JJ.

Вечная новь: нация в европейской культуре 19 века. Взгляд в будущее?

В лекции профессора Академии художеств Латвии, Дениса Ханова, будет предложен анализ понятия нации, ее истории и широкая панорама версий на тему - каково будущее нации в глобальном мире?
Параллельно мы совершим путешествие в историю 19 столетия Латвии, в период создания первого праздника Песни 1873 в Риге, познакомимся с судьбами лидеров национального движения и узнаем, как русские интеллектуалы 19 столетия, рижане, наблюдали за приготовлениями к празднику и что думали о латышском национальном движении.

Можем ли мы представить себе на мгновение, что в мире нет наций, что само понятие перестало существовать? Кажется, что нация была и будет вечно. Однако еще чуть менее 250 лет тому назад нация была чем-то новым, даже революционным. Нацию и ее приверженцев преследовали в 19 столетии и сегодняшний мир с трудом может уследить за тем как быстро и как по-разному развиваются нации, кто к ним принадлежит и как это меняет само понятие. Вопросов множество, однако столь же различны и многообразны ответы, версии и варианты существования современной нации. Нация - понятие сравнительно новое, но “вечность” нации у многих ее авторов не вызывает сомнений. Как возможно такое единение новизны и старины?

Лекция предназначена для широкого круга слушателей без предварительных знаний и будет проходить на русском языке.

Вход на лекцию свободный, обязательна предварительная регистрация до 27 июня по телефону галереи или маилом.

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Stamp. The Image of Latvia. Versions of Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja

Art Gallery MuseumLV and Culture Center Grata JJ

10 June – 29 July 2023.


                 From June 10 to July 29 2023 Art Gallery MuseumLV and Culture Center Grata JJ will host an ambitious solo exhibition of the artist Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja "Stamp. The image of Latvia. Versions of Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja". Such an extensive exposition is intended to show the author's long-term and successful cooperation with Latvijas Pasts. During thirty years the artist has made around 100 stamps with very diverse themes for this company. These are stamps in the series “National Costumes”, “Christmas”, “Mittens”, “Ethnographic Jewelry”, “National Armed Forces of Latvia”, “Saeima”, “Lighthouses of Latvia”, “Protection of Nature”, “Outstanding Latvian Scientific and Cultural Personalities”, “Museums of Latvia”. Stamps made by the artist can be recognised as vivid messages or miniature stories about our country, our values and ideals. Therefore, Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja can rightly be considered as one of the leading creators of the visual image of Latvia as a country.

                At the same time this exhibition is intend to show the proccess of creating the stamp. Therefore, sketches, drafts, original drawings, prints, blocks of issued stamps, enlarged digital copies of them, first-day envelopes with stamps, photographs, as well as some items depicted on stamps from the collections of the Riga History and Shipping Museum, the Riga Porcelain Museum and the National Costume Center “Senā Klēts”,as well as private colletions will be represented at this exhibition.

                 The exhibition will also show a small part of the children's book illustrations created by Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja. The stamps made by the artist dedicated to this theme will complement the series of collages for her own written and illustrated book "Mole and silver shoes" (Zvaigzne ABC, 2020), as well as for the children's book "Miracle Day" (2022) written by Ruta Svaža and dedicated to the postal theme, published by Latvijas Pasts.

                  At the opening of the exhibition, the event of the presentation of the stamp dedicated to the Song Festival, made by the artist Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja, is planned.

About the artist.

                  Arta Ozola-Jaunarāja was born on January 10, 1963 in Jelgava. Graduated from the Latvian Academy of Arts with a specialty in graphics (1988), received a master's degree in humanities (2003). Areas of activity – estamps, book illustrator, advertising and graphic design, packaging and coin design.

                  Participates in exhibitions since 1986. Member of the Artists' Union of Latvia since 1993. She has held solo exhibitions in Riga (portrait graphics; 1994), in the “Senā klēts” gallery (a series of stamps dedicated to folk costumes, 1997), in the Jelgava History and Art Museum (together with V. Dzērve, the painting cycle “Dorian's travels”, 2021).

                  Jury member of the Zelta ābele book competition, as well as the international Baltic States book competition (2014, 2020). Received international recognition as a book illustrator, including 1st prize at the 21st book design and illustration competition (1988), diploma at the 2nd Riga Miniature Graphics Triennale (1990); diploma at the book art triennial Vilnius-90; diploma and prize at the Baltic graphic design triennial in Sweden (1993); multiple winner of the Most Beautiful Book of the Year (2001–2005) competition; main prize in the book art competition Zelta ābele (2008), diploma in the Riga Picture Book Quadrennial (2014).

                   In the collection coin series of the Bank of Latvia, the design was created for the coins “Krišjānis Barons”, “Krišjānis Valdemārs”, “Rainis” and “Rainis and Aspazija”, which won an award in the international coin competition “Coin Constellation 2016”.

                   She has made around 100 stamps for Latvijas Pasts and the artist's cooperation with Latvijas Pasts continues.








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Darba laiks Lieldienās

Gallery working hours on Easter ☀???? Thursday: 11:00 - 19:00 Friday: Closed Saturday: 11:00 - 17:00 Sunday: Closed Monday: Closed See you at the exhibition of Ģirts Boronovskis! Happy Holidays!

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Ģirts Boronovskis "Flatscreen Landscape" - pastels.

Ģirts Boronovskis
"Flatscreen Landscape" - pastels
Gallery MuseumLV , anniversary exhibition.

06.04.2023. – 27.05. 2023.

The artist

Ģirts is a born and bred 'Rīgan' whose secondary school education began at Riga Secondary School number 24 , located at the junction of Tallinas and Krišjāņa Barona street. The drawing teacher, who also headed the voluntary drawing group, proved to be fortunate for him - Vilis Vizulis, who at the time was a young artist in his own right, spotted Ģirts special artistic talent. Ģirts represented his school in the drawing Olympiad competition and Vizulis succeeded in persuading his parents that the young man should further his education at the Jaņa Rozentāla Art School.
There was a slight glitch before actually gaining a place there as he had remained first reserve. However, after some discussion, he was duly accepted as a 'rozentāl' student. Ģirts recalls with the utmost sincerity his class teacher Uno Danilevski, who was most caring towards all his students. At the time too a particular interest in the techniques of graphic art came from another source, Līga Bokalder, who was in charge of the graphics group as well as having her own specialisms. Ģirts was not as successful at painting as his fellow students so he is especially grateful towards his painting teacher Imants Melderis, who really encouraged him not to lose interest but to strive to become a more accomplished painter.
Ģirts graduated from the Rozentāl Art School with a linocut work entitled "Factory Work".
Further studies continued at the National Art Academy in the graphics departament led by Aleksandrs Stankevičs. Concurrently with graphics and drawing Ģirts was also painting using water colours and gouache. In his final year he increasingly devotes his attention to the medium of graphics, focusing on the printed book. Pēteris Upītis, a graphics specialist, was his teacher and it was he too who oversaw his final graduation work comprising illustrations for Andrejs Upīša's book "The Wheels of Time". Moreover Ģirts was one of his last students. It is worth noting that the artist is now confident enough to strike out on his own, renouncing usual graphology techniques and instead choosing to employ Indian ink drawings.
No matter how paradoxical it may seem it was marriage that seemed to stimulate his further artistic development .His parents -in-law are the renowned Latvian artists Rita Valners and Eduards Kalniņš. In particular it is Valners who encourages the young artist to try pastels and it is this technique that with time becomes Boronovski's medium of choice through which are mirrored in fine detail his own personal experiences and attitude towards nature. Moreover it is thanks to Eduards Kalniņš's wide experience and technical expertise that Ģirts seriously begins to turn to photography. He not only takes numerous photographs but also develops his own films and colour slides, making copies of black and white photographs in his own workroom. Whilst a student at the Art Academy Ģirts also began work at the Latvian, now National, History Museum. Concurrently with other work this is something he continues with to this day. Chance has meant that his main focus has been on art from a historical viewpoint and undoubtedly much has been achieved in this context. He has curated many historical exhibitions and projects, and is well known and respected in Latvia. Such work has not been just carried out in Latvia but also in other world renowned museums .

His art.

When he was young Riga had many cinemas and 'going to the pictures' was one of the most popular forms of entertainment. One cinema in particular stands out, namely "Palladium" which boasted a flat screen. The image projected on to this screen was so huge that one had to turn one's head from side to side, particularly if you happened to be sitting in one of the front rows.
A sensation of this vast expanse of landscape which can seemingly overcome the viewer is a theme in his work. Technology may change, advances may be made offering up panoramic views of the natural world, images captured in flatangled photographic camera work. The question however arises: how to incooperate these feelings of endless landscapes in a work of art? Usually artists do not concern themselves too much about what fits or not on the canvas. Ģirts however is one of those rare landscape artists who strives to capture this elusive emotive endless landscape reality in full in all his work so as to take one's breath away.
The artist's main theme is nature's mood and how to recreate this image for the viewer. To achieve this he explores all the many and varied images created by the changing seasons, the way light changes, the different textures. He paints fog, mists, water, sunsets, meadows- simple, peaceful moods. The artist does not paint seascapes because the sea is constantly moving . He also avoids stones for these in nature are hard, but not always so in paintings. He also totally avoids moonlight. This non- depiction does not stem from prohibition but rather from a sense of self - questioning: will I succeed, will I convincingly be able to portray this? The artist's creations always keep the viewer in mind. He is driven not just by his own creativity but also an awareness of judgement from the side-lines.
"Flatscreen Landscape" is in it own way a unique exhibition , it being quite a rare occasion. It comprehensively displays the artist's mature craftmanship.

Iveta Laure, artist, Mag.art

Riga, April 2023

Vija Zauere -Hughes (Translator)

Ģirts Boronovskis "Yellow meadow", pastel, 100 x 55 cm, 2022.



Born on 24 March 1963, Riga

Professional Education:

1981 Jaņa Rozentāla Art High School

1987 Art Academy of Latvia, Graphic Art department, prof. Pēteris Upītis

Graduation work: Book graphic design, Illustrations for Andrejs Upītis book The Wheels of Time

Qualification: graphic artist, teacher of fine art

Work Experience:


from 1986 until now senior designer at the National History Museum of Latvia

Additional work:

2005–2007 “Mākslas fabrika No. 7” Ltd., an artist

1999–2004 “Lido” Ltd., an environment artist

1995–1999 Magazine “Biznesa Partneri”, an artist

1993–1998 Newspaper “Latvijas Zeme”, an artist

1989–1993 Riga Children’s Art School (now Māra Muižniece’s Riga School of Arts), an art teacher

1985–1988 Allaži eight-year school, an art teacher

Permanent museum expositions and exhibition design:

2022/2023 “Crimplenomania”, the project and implementation, the National History

Museum of Latvia.

2021 “Baltic Appeal to the United Nations”, the design and implementation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia;

“Colourful Latvia”, the project and implementation, the National History Museum of Latvia.

2019/2020 “11 heroic stories. the Military Order of Lāčplēsis, its holders, Lāčplēsis

Day”, the project and implementation, the National History Museum of Latvia.

2019 “Ogre Station”, Ogre History and Art Museum, a constant exhibition, the project

and implementation;

2018 The Salaspils Memorial Ensemble, the exhibition project and implementation.

2017 Ķekava Local History Museum, main exhibition, the project and arrangement;

“Storm Museum” in Jurkalne, the project and implementation.

2016 “On the Way to the Latvian Nation”, the project’s implementation, the National History Museum of Latvia;

“Our Stories, No One Else’s” – the History Museum of Tukums Town, the exhibition and implementation;

2015 “Version–Latvian”, the design and implementation, the National History Museum of Latvia;

2014 “Amber – the Jewel of the Baltic Sea”, the project’s implementation, the National History Museum of Latvia, Minsk (Belarus) and Kiev (Ukraine) History Museums.

2011 “The 2nd LATVIAN RIFLE BRIGADE BATTLE AT THE BANKS OF THE RIVER MAZĀ JUGLA”, an exhibition at the Cultural Heritage Centre of Ikskile County;

“Tinuzi Manor”, the realization;

“Rumbula. 1941: Anatomy of a Crime”, the realization, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia;

Arrangement of the temporary main exhibition of the Ogre History and Art Museum;

Arrangement of the main exhibition of J. Rozentals Saldus Museum of History and Art;

The layout of the main exposition of the Turaida Museum Reserve in the West Building of the palace.

2007 “Latvian archaeology”, the realization, Warsaw and Biskupin (Poland) Archaeological Museum;

“Money in Latvia” – the realization, Vienna (Austria) Art History Museum and Berlin (Germany) “Bode Museum”.

2006 Realization of the main exhibitions, J. Rozentals Saldus and Ogre History and Art Museums;

“My damp houses”, the realization, Ligatne Nature Park;

“The Baltic Sea”, the realization, the Latvian Nature Museum.

2005 The design and implementation of the main exhibition of Turaida Museum Reserve;

Exhibition arrangement of Ogre History and Art Museum;

Participation in the development and implementation of exhibition design of the Bank of Latvia Visitors’ Centre.

2003 “Castle mounds. The Cours. The Latgalians. The Hatter's Story”, The History Museum of Latvia.

2001 Latvia/France joint project “History, culture and traditions of Latvia”, Museum of Mankind, Paris, France.

2000 Latvia/Sweden joint project “Three Stars – Three Crowns”, the Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art.

1999 “The Latgalians”, the State Historical Museum of Russia, Moscow.

1995 “The Second World War – Remembrance and Warning”, the Latvian War Museum.

1991 “The Saga of Latvia”, the State History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden.

Book Graphic Design:

Illustrated and created book design for the publishing house “Zīlīte” – ”Atgadījums manā dzīvē.

100 bērnu stāsti” (“An incident in my life. 100 children’s stories” arranged by M. and R. Rungulis), for the publishing house “Sprīdītis” – J. Baltvilks ”Vējlukturis mežā: stāstiņi bērniem par dabu” (“Windlight in the forest: stories for children about nature”), J. Wayne ”Diena, kad nogāzās griesti” (“The Day the Ceiling Fell Down”), for the publishing houses “Liesma”, “Zvaigzne” et al.

Group Exhibitions:

Participate in exhibitions since 1985.

Participation in various group exhibitions – “Young Artists Exhibition”, “Autumn”, ”Spring” etc., in Latvia and abroad.

Solo exhibitions:

2002 LANDSCAPES – Pastel Painting, Gallery “Čiris”, Riga

1998 LANDSCAPES, together with photographer Leons Balodis, Exhibition Hall of the History Museum of Latvia

1994 LANDSCAPES – Pastel Painting, Exhibition Hall of the History Museum of Latvia





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