Liga Jukša
Year of Birth:1975
Education: 1998.-2000. Art Academy of Latvia, Department of Painting. Master of Art.
Diploma work in master workshop of professors A.Naumovs and K.Zarins: "Home of Heart", "Plea", "Recovering". Supervisor professor A.Naumovs.
1994.-1998. Branch of Latgale of Art Academy of Latvia, department of Painting. Diploma work „Alienation." Supervisor professor O. Zvejsalnieks.
1990.- 1994. Rezekne Art college, department of Advertising and Design. Diploma work – "Black and White". Supervisor H. Kuzmina.
Gallery "Bastejs" and Unibank established long-term Art Academy rector Professor Indulis Zarins (1929-1997) scholarship winner 2000.
2000. Member of Latvian Artists Association.
Participate in the International Mark Rothko Plein Air in Daugavpils 2011.
Plein Airs:
In Latvia: towns of Kraslava, Bauska, Jekabpils, Jurkalne, Salacgriva.
International Plein Air "Mark Rothko 2011". Daugavpils.
Paintings in private collections: In Latvia, Norway, Belorus, England, Spain..
Selected exhibitions
2014. International Art Salon "CDH - 2014" exhibition "Time link" in Moscow. Russia.
2013. "The lines of thought". Vitebsk Art museum. Belarus(solo)
2013. "Such a place-Latvia". Galeria Bielska BWA. Poland
2012. Exhibition in Bremen City Hall. Germany(solo).
2011. – 2012. "Is It That He Does Not Seek The Truth, But Does Want To Influence?" Riga Art Space.
2011. "Painting of the year". Gallery "A.Suna". Riga.
2011. "I love You". M.Chagall museum. Vitebsk. Belarus.
2011. "Light thoughts." Gallery "Makslas banka". Riga(solo).
2010. "Painting of the year". Gallery "A.Suna". Riga.
2009. "Cinemotograf". M.Chagall museum. Vitebsk. Belarus.
2009. "Images of light". Gallery "A.Suna". Riga(solo).
2009. "Autumm 2009". Lucky art museum. Riga.
2007. "Sweet pictures". St.John gallery. Riga(solo).
2006. "Behind the horizon". Gallery of Latvian Artist association(solo).
2004. "Things between us". Gallery ‘A.Suna’. Riga(solo).
2004. "Women paints a women". Gallery ‘Bastejs’. Riga.
2003. "Spain plein air". Gallery ‘Ars Longa’. Riga.
2003. "Spain". Vagnera gallery. Riga(solo).
2002. "Painting on a board". Gallery ‘Bastejs’. Riga.
2002. "Show of young artists". M.Chagall museum. Vitebsk. Belarus.
2002. "Mirror". Reitern House gallery. Riga(solo).
2001. "Painting of the year". Gallery "A.Suna". Riga.
2001. "Various. L.Juksa and A.Naumovs". Gallery "Bastejs". Riga(solo).
2001. "Show of young artists". M.Chagall museum. Vitebsk. Belarus.
2001. "Miniatures". Gallery "Riga". Riga.