

Grata JJ



Linda Kozule

Author's works

Linda Kozule
Art Academy of Latvia, M.A. in visual arts (painting), graduation exhibition January (18 paintings) at the Agija S na gallery
Art Academy of Latvia, M.A. thesis’theoretical part Photography in Latvian latest painting or following Anabella’s footsteps
Art Academy of Latvia, Painting Department; studies at the master-workshops of Prof Aleksejs Naumovs and Prof Kristaps Zari
Art Academy of Latvia, Bachelor degree in visual arts Riga Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Architecture and Construction; studies in architecture
Jelgava Secondary School No 2

Since 1994 –participation in exhibitions. Works in possession of private collectors in Latvia, Sweden and Germany. In 2006, improved professional skills in Paris, Cité Internationale des Arts. Member of the Artists’Union of Latvia (AUL) (2006). Free- lance artist.
Personal exhibitions
2014 Personal show at the Valmiera State High School 2013 Personal show at the Lielvārde Culture Centre 2012 Personal show at the Jumprava Culture Centre 2012 Quinta, gallery Tifāna, Rīga
2011 www.lindakozule.lv, gallery of the Artists’Union of Latvia, Rīga 2009 Pont de l’Alma, gallery Kr su Aplis, Liep ja (Latvia)
2008 Infatuation, Glass gallery, R ga
2008 Personal show at the Ministry of Finance of Latvia, R ga 2007 Pont de l’Alma, Agija S na gallery, R ga
2006 Personal show at the Valmiera State High School 2005 January, Agija S na gallery, R ga
1998 Lemon, gallery iris, R ga
1997 The Thin Ice, Agija S na gallery, R ga
Group and international exhibitions
ArtParisArtFair ’14, Paris, France
ArtVilnius’14, Lithuanian Exibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO,
Vilnius, Lithuania
ArtVilnius’13, Lithuanian Exibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO,
Vilnius, Lithuania
Sztuka Lotwy, Muzeum Slaskie, Katowice, Poland
2012 Such a Place-Latvia/Takie Miejsce-Lotwa, Galeria Bielska BWA, Bielska-Biala, Poland
2011 ArtVilnius’11, Lithuanian Exibition and Congress centre LITEXPO, Vilnius, Lithuania
2010 International art salon CDH/ 2010, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Russia
2009 Rudens 2009 (annual exhibition Autumn ’2009), Museum of ContemporaryArt,SIAPinakot kaexhibitionhall,Rga
2009 Dom jot par Par zi (Thinking of Paris), Valmiera City Library 2008 Rudens 2008 (annual exhibition Autumn ’2008), Rudens 080808.
Es esmu gruz ns! (Autumn 080808. I am a Georgian!), Railway
Museum and the Artists’Union gallery, R ga
2007 Na u bumba. Jaunie latvie u glezniec b (Candy Bomber. The
Young Ones in Latvian painting), exhibition hall Arsen ls, R ga 2007 Rudens 2007, Kas notiek Latvijas m ksl ? (annual exhibition
Autumn ’2007. What’s Going On in Latvian Painting), Latvian
Post Office, R ga
2006 Rudens 2006 (annual exhibition Autumn ’2006), Railway
Museum, R ga
2006 Group exhibition of the new members of the Artists’Union of
Latvia, gallery of the AUL, R ga
2005 Contest exhibition Ainava (Landscape), gallery Laipa, Valmiera
2005 AwardsconferredbytheeditorsoftheartmagazinesM ksla Plus and Studija for the works presented at the exhibition
Landscape in Valmiera 2013 Award of ArtVilnius’13